your guide to pinball in Belgium

Description of the BTC board (Drop targets)

This board, whose job is the one of dropping the targets as they were when the player stop playing his ball, is composed of a BCD to decimal decoder 4028 and ten thyristors SGR C106P. It controls up to ten solenoids together or by separate, used to drop the targets.

The control inputs TRA, TRB, TRG, TRD, come from thes device output (7) of the IOS board. These inputs are in charge of determining the address, that is to say, the outputs G1-G10 which must be connected. The pulse thus applied to the thyristors port fires them and become conductors activating the corres-ponding solenoids. This pulse is maintained during 100 miliseconds, time enough to make the dropping of the wished target.

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