G-Star BVB custom soccer pinball machine

On a local forum someone new asked around about pinball machines. Information was given to what could be done and what companies in Europe could be contacted. A friend of mine had a World Cup Soccer for sale, which was purchased. We didn't hear for a while, until there was an update.. The pinball machine had been customized and was featured in a commercial for G-Star jeanswear.

The commercial is professionally produced by director Marco Grandia. The commercial is both about the jeanswear and German soccer club BVB Borusia Dortmunt.

It's really one of the best pinball related commercials I've seen. It cleverly combines soccer and the players, the city Dortmunt with the soccer stadium and other landmarks, to the playfield of a World Cup Soccer pinball machine and who's playing it in an immersive experience.

Marco Grandia (2021) Gstar/BVB - Pinball. from marcograndia on Vimeo.